52 rue du moulinet, Paris 13e
”HeartBreaking News" d'après "L'Ange de la douleur" de William Wetmore Story (1894). Angels come down to earth to witness the breaking news and share our collective sadness… Let it be a reminder that we have the power to spread compassion and unity during these painful times. (commentaire de l'auteur)
Mots-clés: rue; du moulinet; Paris 13e; streetart; street art; mural; mur peint; fresque; pochoir; Falco; @falco.crea;
prise le 24/01/2024
focale: 34mm
ISO 640; ouverture: f/11.0; vitesse: 1/160s
auteur: Falco (painter)
© Creative commons (Attribution: Michel Racine, pas d'utilisation commerciale) https://voyage.alpviv.org https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/